Myofascial Pain and Fibromyalgia

Myofascial pain and fibromyalgia are a lot different but have a few things in common. They both have a handful of symptoms in common like muscle pain and stiffness. Although, it is quite difficult to tell which of them you have without proper diagnoses.

Myofascial pain is actually related to fibromyalgia because of muscle pain, but, myofascial pain is actually not muscle pain, rather it’s the pain initiating from the fascia. Fascia is a layer that is just beneath the skin covering the whole body under our skin. Its structure kind of looks like cotton candy, as it consists of threads wrapped around every organ of your body.

The pain of myofascial starts because of stiffness in fascia occurring over time due to a lack of stretching and accidents. It can also happen because of traumas. When the fascia becomes overly stiffed and tightened, it causes pressure on the muscle’s joints and organs.

The difference in Myofascial Pain Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

These two syndromes are however two different things, and there are only a handful of things in common. But without diagnosing it properly, it is really hard to tell which is which. People sometimes misunderstand myofascial pain with fibromyalgia pain. Some people even consider this pain as a subcategory of fibromyalgia.

Myofascial pain mainly involves pain in some focused muscles of your body. On the contrary, fibromyalgia involves pain throughout the body including chronic fatigue and other vast symptoms.

The myofascial syndrome is a result of stiffness and tightness in the fascia. On the contrary, the researchers have shown that fibromyalgia is, in fact, a neurological disorder. It just elaborates on how we process the pain, rather than actual pain in the tissues.

Understanding the difference between both conditions is essential, and when you do, treating them is a lot easier. For myofascial pain, you can consult therapists who understand your condition and deal with it delicately.

Cause of Myofascial Syndrome?

Myofascial pain syndrome usually initiates by trauma or injury of some kind, much like fibromyalgia. These traumas and injuries can be a result of a car accident, having so much stress overwork or other issues. And, possibly because of the environment. Myofascial pain syndrome can also be a result of tiresome movement injuries or strained muscles.

Treatment for Myofascial Syndrome

Fibromyalgia can go on for long and having a lot of treatments would still be ineffective. But talking about myofascial pain syndrome, it can be treated and possibly cured. The best treatment for this pain syndrome is physiotherapy and applying pressure on the trigger points. It is fairly treated with “Myofascial Release Therapy”, specific therapy for only myofascial syndrome patients. It is quite like a deep tissue massage, specifically to release tension in the fascia.

You will find therapists with expertise in myofascial release therapy, who only focuses on these type tension release massages to the muscles. If you are in luck, you may find a therapist friendly enough to show you how to relax your muscles through massage at home. It almost looks like you are giving an Indian burn to yourself. The technique for massage is to grab your muscles with both hands and rub them deeply in opposite directions. Just to stretch the tissue below the skin.

To sum up, if you are having this type of pain, you should consult a physiotherapist or a massage therapist. The one who is experienced and good enough to handle the myofascial release therapy.

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