Signs of Fibromyalgia which Should not be Ignored

It is very difficult for a normal people to understand the consequences of fibromyalgia. Only the person going through fibromyalgia can really feel the pain of another fibro warrior. We have gathered some common symptoms of Fibromyalgia so it can not be unseen or misunderstood.

Fatigue at its Peak

Fatigue is one of the major issue in fibromyalgia. A person feels exhausted even after a long night’s sleep. More sleep causes more fatigue and tiredness instead of causing comfort. It is very common in Fibromyalgia patients. According to the description of a patient, fatigue feels like they are carrying dead weight with them and the energy is drained out. The fatigue is so much worse in fibromyalgia that even performing daily tasks becomes exhausting.

Pain Especially Musculoskeletal

The extensive pain in the whole body felt by fibromyalgia patients is the worst symptom of all. Widespread pain can be felt all over the body of fibro patients. The most common pains are Neck Pain, Back Pain, Restless leg syndrome, Musculoskeletal Pain, etc. The pain can be felt in specified triggered points when pressure is applied to them. As a result, the pain is propagated to different surrounded parts as well other than trigger points.

Disturbed Sleep

Improper sleep, whether no sleep at all or staying asleep for a long time is another alarming Fibromyalgia symptom. The fibromyalgia patients often suffer from disruptions and experience night waking frequently, which ends up in making them exhausted for the whole day.

Lack of Concentration

The patient loses focus and is unable to pay attention to certain things. Memory lapse is also one of the cognitive symptoms for the patients of fibromyalgia. “Fibro Fog” is a term used for such conditions for fibromyalgia sufferers.

Heart Palpitation or Irregularity in Heartbeat Rate

Symptoms related to the heart can be upsetting especially for fibromyalgia sufferers, but the experiments and tests do not reveal any underlying causes. Hearth palpitation happens in response to deep and heavy breathing and also caused by techniques related to relaxation.

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

It is observed in many fibromyalgia patients that the majority of them also suffer from IBS. Yet the reason behind it is still fuzzy. Pain, constipation, bloating, diarrhea and nausea are common among the patients of fibromyalgia and also these symptoms make our life miserable.

Pains in Jaws or Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD)

TMJD disorder is said to be affecting about one-fourth of fibromyalgia patients. The jaw pain causes the pain in face muscles, spreads throughout the neck and head as well. The pain is not in the joints but it’s in the muscles and ligaments of the jaw area of the person.

Disturbed Bladder

Getting into frequent urinary infections, petulant bladder and incontinence are also the symptoms and signs of fibromyalgia. The burning feeling while passing urine, abdominal pain and the pain caused by the whole track got severe in the people who are suffering from this disorder.


Migraines are very common and found in more than half of the sufferers which are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Most common Headaches pains are severe front head pain, Pain in the neck, classified specifically with it, occurring thrice or more time in a week. The sufferer may feel the headache for multiple times in a single day.

High Sensitivity

The senses of fibromyalgia patients are overdriven. Strong odors or bright lights can cause to arose many other symptoms, like headaches. Few cases are also reported in which the patient was also discovered to be sensitive to the medication which may enhance the chance for caught into more development of side effects.

Tingling and Numbness

Another sign for fibromyalgia is the random tingles in the body of a person which extremities with some unknown causes. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is often found in people having this disorder.

Vision Distortion

Blurry vision, burning eyes or dryness of eyes and having difficulty while focusing are also observed as a sign of fibromyalgia causing disrupted vision. These symptoms can be felt along with dizziness or headaches.

Balance Issues

The fatigue and widespread pain caused in fibromyalgia state can lead to sufferer having improper or misbalancing trouble. Balance issues can cause falls and dizziness and can lead to severe injury. So, the person needs to guard and save oneself from any major injury.

PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

Women with fibromyalgia mostly feel severe PMS symptoms. Heavy periods, cramps and mood swings are common. The pain can be worse than its normal outfall.

Having Trouble while Exercising

Exercising is a healthy activity to keep a person healthy as the endorphins, pain-relieving property, are released after exercising. A person with fibromyalgia can feel extreme pain and fatigue after doing a little workout. A simple way to tackle this situation is to break the exercise session into shortening, several workouts and do not burden upon oneself. This will help in alleviating the sensitivity of the pain in the patient.

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19 thoughts on “Signs of Fibromyalgia which Should not be Ignored

  1. …oh, and my brain fog went away too, which is great because it’s so difficult to do anything properly and remember people’s names when your brain’s fogged up!

    1. I have lots of these symptoms here. How can I get a true accurate Diagnosis and not get a friggin Misdiagnoses which Dr can Diagnose anyone with this symptom because a regular M.D just isn’t cutting it for me please help give me some connections to a good Dr and send me some literature and or books via here for this health issue here.

      1. The symptoms I get is migraines and regular headaches insomnia I use to get chronic urinary tract infections aand I have psoriatic Arthritis in my back my back hurts alot. I get a few more if the symptoms listed here as well. What specialist can I see for these crazy symptoms here

      2. My doctor for this is a rheumatologist. He treats both my Lupus and my fibromyalgia. He never thought the fibro was non existent like other doctors.

  2. Can I be sent more information on this as I think I have f ibromalgia I have heart disease and heart murmurs i was put on amatriptlyne 1 a day for a week was that a good move with haveing a heart murmur

    1. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia @ 23 years old. Currently, I am almost 52. What do I when I am at the point of NOT being able to live this way any longer. I think i am trapped, and I just want to Scream!! I’m just DONE living with all of this Pain!! HELP!!!

      1. What kind of Physician or specialist can I see to truly see if I have fibromyalgia because I sure do have lots of the symptoms that are listed here I have a regular M.D. But ugghh she’s not the correct Dr to diagnose good stuff shes just there to prescribe me shi*** meds to pop please help me to see a true Dr physician for my issues here.

      2. I too have had fibromyalgia for a long time. I’m now 67. I find gentle exercise like pilates or aqua fit can help. Also, try some meditation or mindfulness which help with relaxation.

  3. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia @ 23 years old. Currently, I am almost 52. What do I when I am at the point of NOT being able to live this way any longer. I think i am trapped, and I just want to Scream!! I’m just DONE living with all of this Pain!! HELP!!!

    1. I am in your shoes. I currently am having a horrible episode. The worst yet. I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It makes me depressed, irritable, all I want to do is sleep so I’m not hurting. I take duloxetine which masks the pain a little but right now I have a rib out where I also have a bulged disc near that. I’ve been crying all day. Feeling sorry for myself. Don’t know how much longer I can deal with it.

      1. Terrible syndrome to have indeed I have found that fluoxetine helps ease the pain somewhat but not mental issues it makes me feel emotional so I take cilift for mood though not that effective plus ultracet for pain but if on these pain gets severe I take duloxetine and stop the cilift for a day or two sometimes lyrica for irritability and feeling like murdering someone and it would ease these symptoms it us a difficult syndrome to manage some days are better some are like death I vary my medication depending what i am feeling i also try natural meds like mind sooth from health shops. Regards.

      2. Get alternative help. I have fibromyalgia and endometriosis and i am an applied kinesiologist who specializes in detoxing. Root cause I believe is a PARASITE OVERLOAD in the body. Get your body cleaned up. CBD OIL FOR PAIN.

      3. I hear you ladies.Its been so painful this past year inparticular that I want to scream.I too say I just dont k ow how much more I can take.Really.I take motrin for pain.My choice.

  4. I am in your shoes. I currently am having a horrible episode. The worst yet. I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown. It makes me depressed, irritable, all I want to do is sleep so I’m not hurting. I take duloxetine which masks the pain a little but right now I have a rib out where I also have a bulged disc near that. I’ve been crying all day. Feeling sorry for myself. Don’t know how much longer I can deal with it.

  5. I visited an alternative medicine doctor four years ago because I was getting worse. I could NOT function. I was diagnosed with FM in my mid 20’s after my doctor tested me for everything else. (Cause we know there really isn’t a test for FM) at the age of 40 I met this alternative medicine doctor who for 30 years was a western med doctor in the field of helping women deal with hormone issues and auto immune diseases. He said after 30 years he was sick of not really helping just prescribing meds but not really finding the issues. According to him there is NO FM, CF, or conditions in that family. He says most of the time in his experience it’s chronic Lyme Disease. He does the western blot test, a test NOT done by doctors. Doctors do the other Lyme test which will always be negative unless you go as soon as you find a tick on yourself. In my case there was no tick! I most likely was infected by a mosquito bite and I get bit often. It’s hard not to get bit by them. I also have hypothyroidism which no doctor tested me for that. Between those two things, which can be tested for by the right doctor, can be controlled. No cure, but handled. He put me on supplements and I keep active as much as I can. No movement just causes tight painful muscles I find. I lived 16 years in pain, fatigue and depression. I cried my eyes out when he gave me those results and took action. Acupuncture also really helps!!! I now don’t feel like life isn’t worth living. I’m so thankful!

    1. Lyrica is for nerve pain exacerbated by Fibromyalgia, not for mental problems
      Look your meds up or have MD explain what each is for as I am sure you are not even spelling them right. I am not trying to be an I told you something I am a retired nurse with Fibromyalgia.

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